
There are different categories of LERC membership, reflecting an individual's background, interest and role performed. The range of membership types will be further developed in the first half of 2019 along with an application process. The current personal categories are Faculty, Student, Associate and Fellow. There is also a Corporate member category for research sponsors.


LERC faculty perform a range of operational duties and delivery roles, including designing, delivering and disseminating research, as well as LERC management and administration.


LERC Fellows are those that are considered to have made a significant contribution to the development of lean thinking, whether from a research, teaching or communication perspective. The selection criteria will be available in 2019, after which the first appointments will be made

Student Members

LERC student members are those involved in PhD research or Master programmes and working on LERC related projects.

Associate Members

Associates are practitioners or academics working on specific activities.


Corporate members are organisations that sponsor or support LERC research or communication activities. This membership category will be further defined in 2019.