Sustainability Enablers & Barriers Training System Structures & Methods

Geographical Factors Influencing Training System Design & Delivery

The research is examining the impact that geographic factors have on the design and delivery of lean training in organisations and on the implementation approach adopted. It is a case study involving global logistics company Panalpina and has involved a survey of its trainers and training participants. Panalpina hope to draw conclusions that will help improve effectiveness of a dispersed CI training system. The research started in 2018 and will continue into 2019. Preliminary results were presented at teh European Lean Educator Conference in November 2018.

Collaborators involved:
Panalpina Logistics



  • Globalisation -> pan-national companies working on every continent
  • Corporate CI approach -> deployed regionally
  • Standard method to drive process improvement
  • Standard method to foster inter-regional collaboration
  • What are the challenges in such deployments?
  • Do geographic and cultural factors mitigate against the advantages of a singular global approach?
  • What is the right balance between uniformity and allowing some variation to cater for local conditions ?

Key Research Questions

  • Are there differences in training impact and effectiveness in different geographical areas?
  • What are the differences & similarities?
  • Are there implications for training system design?
  • What other factors are there?

Participants Questions

  • Impact of training à ability to be an effective practitioner
  • Effectiveness of training methods à learning, understanding, applying
  • Training delivery à like/dislike
  • Preferences – like/dislike training methods
  • Application of knowledge
  • What works well/not well

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